Leader of Russia 2013

Intelligence at service of aviation


Monitor Soft Company

“Monitor Soft” Ltd, founded in 1993, develops and provides the aeronautical fixed telecommunication systems AFTN, flight navigation services, as well as the systems of fast-acting airport management and air traffic planning.

In the development of the products specialists apply the advanced methods and programming techniques, implement integrated use of various hardware, produced both by global manufacturers and their own development. All the advantages mentioned above along with the opportunities granted by the usage of the Internet and the Intranet, modern digital ground and satellite communication systems allow to create the distributed management information systems.

A little more than 50 high-qualified specialists apply the comprehensive approach for solving the interrelating tasks of communication, navigation and air traffic management automation.


Sergey Trofimov, director general of Monitor Soft, presented a report at the anniversary meeting of aeronautical information management problems council
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Systems are developed for services of the airport and airlines. Allow to carry out processing of NOTAMs, pre-flight preparation and AIP publication.
Systems are developed for the needs of airports and airlines and allow to carry out short-term and long-term planning of the schedule of flights, loading and fuel efficiency.
Systems of ground communication are intended for the organization of automatic reception, analysis, processing and subsequent transfer air navigation information and messages to ultimate consumers.
On-board equipment systems are intended for timely providing information to crew and management of a flight